
Sunday, 3 May 2015

Exam Season

Hey guys,

I know, I know...I haven't posted in decades and this is bad especially since I was planning on posting as consistently as possible and as much as possible. But on the bright side, here's a new blog post!

As you may or may not have gathered, exam season has dawned upon all of us in the UK. Whether it's IGCSEs, GCSEs, A Levels, SATs or even finals we've all got 'em and the only way to get through 'em is to simply....wait for it....sit the exam! DUN DUN DUN!

Exams are no one's best friend and are hated among us all. Well, maybe not all of us as some of you out there may actually enjoy taking exams. For me simply, I procrastinate 24/7 and when I have a sudden urge to sit and revise I tend to have other pending tasks to do. Unfortunately when this is the case, I try my best to do as much as possible on my phone or at school. (P.s revision posters, diagrams and revision cards all help!)

Exams are a key factor in our progression in life and we just have to press on.

I know you guys, all this talk about exams has some of you a little down in the dumps,  BUT (and this is a BIG but) whether or not we pass or fail, there are other routes in life and failing is not the end of the world. Besides, as long as you know you tried your best it's aight.

Simply put, life is full of challenges and many ups and downs. At the end of the day, your hopefully still well and content.

I hope ya'll out there get the grades you want and GOOD LUCK! 

Till next time,

~The Girl Who Loves The Little Things~

P.s. I used a tonne of slang and shortened 'You all' to ya'll due to giving in to my southern American side....*tee hee* I'm kidding, I'm not southern or even American for that manner but hey, when you watch a load of Nashville, what can you expect? :'D